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 It hurts like Hell The pain was unlike anything she had ever experienced. It seared through her body, consuming every nerve ending with a white-hot fury that made her scream in agony. She thrashed wildly on the cold, hard ground, her muscles burning with the effort as her vision blurred and her limbs grew weak. The air around her seemed to vibrate with the intensity of her suffering, as if the very fabric of existence had been rent asunder and her soul was being torn from its mortal shell. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped. The pain vanished, leaving her gasping for breath and trembling uncontrollably on the ground. Slowly, she forced her aching body to stand, her legs feeling like jelly as she struggled to remain upright. She looked around, confused and disoriented, unsure of where she was or what had just happened to her. The forest was eerily quiet, the only sound the rustle of leaves in the distant breeze. The sun was high in the sky, its warmth almost mocking




 The sky was a deep, inky black, pierced by the cold, distant light of countless stars. A lone figure stood atop a desolate mountain, the wind whipping through their long, unkempt hair. Their face was obscured by the hood of their cloak, but their hands were wrapped tightly around a wooden staff that seemed to glow with an inner light. As they raised the staff high into the air, a shimmering portal appeared before them, swirling with an otherworldly energy. For a moment, the figure hesitated, their heart pounding with trepidation and anticipation. This was it - the moment they had been waiting for, the moment they had been training for their entire life. With a deep breath, they stepped through the portal, disappearing into the unknown.




