Thursday, November 30, 2023


The sun was setting on the horizon, casting a beautiful orange glow over the city. It was a peaceful evening, and the streets were mostly empty.

John was walking home from work, taking his usual route. He was almost home when he heard a loud noise coming from an alleyway. He stopped and peered into the darkness, but he couldn't see anything. He was about to keep walking when he heard a voice.

'Help me!'

John froze. He knew he should keep walking, but something inside him told him to investigate. He cautiously stepped into the alleyway and saw a woman being attacked by two men. She was struggling to fight them off, but they were too strong.

John ran towards them and shouted, 'Hey! Leave her alone!'

The men stopped and looked at him. One of them pulled out a knife and advanced towards John. John backed away, but he was too slow. The man lunged at him and the knife grazed his arm.

John felt a sharp pain and he stumbled backwards. He was about to run away when the woman shouted, 'Run! I'll take care of them!'

John didn't need to be told twice. He sprinted out of the alleyway and ran all the way home. When he got there, he collapsed on the floor, trembling with fear. He had just had a close call.

He thanked his lucky stars that the woman had been there to help him. He knew he owed her his life.

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