Thursday, November 30, 2023

 The sun shone brightly on the small village of St. Mary's, its rays glinting off the cobblestone streets and the thatched roofs of the cottages. The villagers went about their daily lives, tending to their gardens, visiting the local market, and gathering in the town square to gossip and share news.

But there was one thing that set St. Mary's apart from other villages: it was blessed. Every morning, the villagers awoke to find that their crops had grown overnight, their animals had multiplied, and their homes had been repaired.

No one knew why St. Mary's was so blessed, but the villagers were grateful for the good fortune. They shared their bounty with their neighbors, and the village prospered.

One day, a stranger arrived in St. Mary's. He was a tall, handsome man with a kind face and a gentle voice. He said he had come to thank the villagers for their kindness and generosity.

The stranger told the villagers that he was an angel sent from Heaven to bless them. He said that their good deeds had been noticed in Heaven, and that God had sent him to reward them.

The villagers were amazed and humbled by the stranger's words. They thanked him for his kindness and asked him to stay with them. The stranger agreed, and he became a part of the village.

The stranger stayed in St. Mary's for many years, and the village continued to be blessed. The villagers never forgot the stranger's kindness, and they always remembered to be kind and generous to one another.

The stranger eventually left St. Mary's, but the villagers never forgot him. They continued to be blessed, and they never stopped being kind and generous to one another.

The villagers of St. Mary's were truly blessed.

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