Sunday, January 28, 2024

Broken Angel

 As I sat on the bench in the park, my eyes wandered to the broken angel statue that stood in the center. Its once pristine white marble now marred by cracks and chips, its delicate wings shattered and its serene face now twisted in pain. I couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy wash over me as I gazed at this broken figure. It seemed to represent all the brokenness and pain in the world.

I wondered what could have caused such destruction to this beautiful work of art. Was it a careless vandal? A harsh storm? Or perhaps it was simply the wear and tear of time. Whatever the cause, it was a stark reminder of how fragile and fleeting beauty can be.

But as I continued to study the broken angel, I couldn't help but see a glimmer of hope in its brokenness. Despite its shattered state, it still stood tall and proud, its wings spread wide as if in defiance of its brokenness. It reminded me that even in the face of adversity and pain, we can still find the strength to rise above it.

I couldn't help but think of the countless broken angels in our world - people who have faced unimaginable hardships and struggles, yet still manage to find the courage to keep going. They may be broken, but they are not defeated. They continue to spread their wings and shine their light, inspiring others with their resilience.

It's easy to get lost in our own problems and forget that there are broken angels all around us, silently carrying their burdens. But when we take a moment to truly see them, we realize that they are not just broken, but also incredibly strong and brave.

I made a silent promise to myself as I sat there, to never underestimate the power of a broken angel. They may be shattered, but they are also a symbol of hope, reminding us that even in our brokenness, we can still find beauty and strength. And as I got up from the bench and walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this broken angel, for showing me that even in the darkest of times, there is still a glimmer of light.

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