Sunday, January 28, 2024


 The rain came down in sheets, the sky a uniform gray that stretched out to the horizon, unbroken by even a single ray of sunlight. It was the kind of day when most people would have stayed indoors, curled up with a book and a mug of hot chocolate. But not her. No, on days like these, she found herself inexplicably drawn to the river, as if some unseen force were pulling her there. Perhaps it was the way the water swirled and churned, a living, breathing entity that mirrored her own turbulent emotions. Or maybe it was the way the droplets danced and sparkled in the light, refusing to be tamed by the relentless downpour. Whatever the reason, she couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging there, as if the river were an old friend who had known her deepest secrets and darkest fears.

She stood at the edge of the bank, her feet sinking into the soft earth as she leaned forward, her gaze fixed on the water below. It was then, in that moment, that she saw him. His features were obscured by the rain, but she knew it was him. Something about the way he moved, the way he held himself, was unmistakable. And as he approached her, she felt a flutter in her chest, a strange mixture of anticipation and fear. She steeled herself, taking a deep breath as he came to a halt before her. "Hello," he said, his voice barely audible above the roar of the river. She swallowed hard, her heart racing as she forced herself to meet his gaze. "Hello," she replied, her voice trembling ever so slightly. And then, before she could even process what was happening, he leaned in, his lips finding hers in a kiss that was both gentle and passionate. The rain continued to fall around them, but for those precious few seconds, it might as well have been a different world.

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