Tuesday, February 6, 2024


 The air was thick with anticipation as the crowd gathered around the ancient oak tree. Its gnarled branches, heavy with the weight of centuries, swayed gently in the breeze, whispering secrets only it could tell. A hush fell over the crowd, broken only by the rustle of leaves and the murmur of voices. They came from all walks of life: young and old, rich and poor, from every corner of the land. Some wore finery, their clothes adorned with the finest jewels and silks, while others came in rags, their faces weathered by time and toil. But despite their differences, they all shared one common purpose: to witness the event that would change their lives forever.

The sky, a deep shade of indigo, was streaked with wispy clouds, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the scene. The sun, a fiery ball in the west, threatened to dip below the horizon at any moment, but the crowd seemed oblivious to its approach. Their eyes were fixed on the tree, their hearts racing with excitement and trepidation.

As the last rays of sunlight faded away, a sense of awe and wonder settled over the crowd. They knew that at this moment, their fates would be sealed. They waited with bated breath, hoping against hope that they would be chosen. For this was the day of Sidera, the day when the gods would bestow their blessings upon a lucky few, changing their lives forever.

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