Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Pink rose

 Pink roses, the color of first love and innocence, adorned the small, rustic chapel where the ceremony was to take place. The petals, delicate as a newborn's skin, seemed to glow in the soft morning light streaming through the stained-glass windows. The air was filled with the sweet scent of the roses and the gentle strains of a harp, playing a beautiful melody that seemed to come straight from heaven. The guests, dressed in their finest attire, murmured amongst themselves, their voices blending harmoniously with the music. It was a perfect spring day, and everyone present could feel the weight of expectation and anticipation in the air.

The bride, her blushing cheeks contrasting beautifully with her pale pink dress, stood beside her father, her eyes shining with tears of happiness and joy. She clutched a bouquet of matching roses to her chest, their thorns sharp and unforgiving against her delicate skin. Beside her, her father, a strong and proud man, struggled to keep his emotions in check. His heart was bursting with pride, but he knew that this day would change everything for both of them.

The groom, tall and handsome in his black tuxedo, waited patiently at the altar. His gaze never left the bride, his love for her shining in his eyes. He clutched his own bouquet of roses tightly, feeling the weight of responsibility and promise that came with it. He could hear the words his father had spoken to him earlier that morning, words of wisdom and caution, echoing in his mind. "Son," his father had said, "marriage is a sacred bond, not to be entered into lightly. You must always cherish and protect your wife, for she will be your greatest treasure."

The officiant, a wise and gentle man with a kindly face, cleared his throat, signaling the start of the ceremony. He began to speak, his words flowing effortlessly, filling the chapel with the promise of love and happiness. And as the ceremony progressed, the pink roses seemed to glow even brighter, as if reflecting the pure and unadulterated love that was about to be shared between the bride and groom.

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