Saturday, April 20, 2024


 On the eve of my fateful journey, I found myself standing in front of an ancient map, its parchment yellowed with age and wrinkled from countless fingers that had traced its contours over the centuries. The ink was so faded that it was difficult to make out the names of the places etched into its surface, but I knew that if I were to follow the winding path it outlined, I would eventually find my way to the edge of the world. I ran my fingers over the rough, unyielding surface, feeling the power that emanated from the parchment, as if it were alive, pulsing with the knowledge of secrets that had been long since forgotten.

The wind picked up, rustling the curtains and sending a shiver down my spine, and I could almost hear the whispered voices of those who had come before me, urging me onward, daring me to take the leap into the unknown. I glanced around the dimly lit room, taking in the dusty bookshelves, the stacks of journals and manuscripts, and the flickering candlelight that danced across the walls, as if they were all conspiring to tell me that this was where I belonged. But I knew that if I were to stay any longer, I would never have the courage to follow the path laid out before me.

With a deep breath, I blew out the candles and made my way to the door, the parchment map folded neatly in my pocket. As I stepped into the night, I felt a sense of both anticipation and trepidation wash over me. The stars were bright in the sky, and I could hear the distant howl of wolves, their eerie song echoing through the trees like a lullaby. I turned my face upward, taking in the vastness of the universe, and knew that no matter what lay ahead, I would not be returning to this place. The world was out there, waiting for me, and I was determined to see it all.

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