Sunday, April 28, 2024


 The world was a strange and unfamiliar place. Everywhere I looked, I saw things I didn't understand: enormous, floating islands made of metal and glass, vast oceans of swirling darkness, and a sky filled with strange, glowing orbs that cast an ethereal light upon the landscape. My name was Wave, and I had no memory of how I had come to be here. All I knew was that I was alone, lost, and terrified.

I tried to find some sort of familiar landmark, but everything seemed so foreign and alien. The air was cold and crisp, and the ground beneath my feet was hard and unyielding. I had the distinct feeling that I was somewhere high up, perhaps on one of the floating islands I had seen earlier. The wind whistled past my ears, making a gentle whistling sound as it rushed through the canyons between the massive metal towers that supported the island.

As I continued to wander aimlessly, I came across what appeared to be a small cave carved into the side of one of the towers. Curiosity getting the better of me, I decided to explore it. The cave was narrow and dimly lit, with a soft, eerie glow emanating from crystals embedded in the walls. The further in I went, the more I realized that this was no ordinary cave. The air was thick with an unknown scent, and the floor was covered in a soft, velvety material that seemed to absorb sound.

Suddenly, I heard a faint voice echoing through the cave. It sounded feminine and melodic, like music. "W-Wave?" it stammered. "Is that you?" I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. Could this be someone who knew me? Someone who could help me find my way home? With a mixture of hope and fear, I called out in reply, "Who's there?" There was a moment of silence, and then the voice replied, "It's me, Wave. It's your other self. The one you left behind."

I took a tentative step forward, feeling the soft material beneath my feet. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "How do you know me?" The voice laughed softly, and the sound filled the cavern. "Oh, Wave," it said. "You have so much to learn about this place... and about yourself." With those cryptic words, the voice fell silent once again, leaving me more confused and afraid than ever.

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