Monday, May 20, 2024

Waving goodbye

 It was one of those mornings when the sky seemed to reach down and brush the tips of the highest mountains, blending seamlessly into a palette of pale blues and soft grays. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the ancient oaks that lined the dirt path, their limbs stretching out like the tentacles of some long-forgotten sea creature. The air was crisp, yet warm, and the sun's rays danced playfully across the dew-covered grass.

A lone figure stood at the edge of a small clearing, the hem of their threadbare cloak swirling gently around their ankles. They wore a pair of worn leather boots, scuffed and muddied from countless miles of travel. Their long, unkempt hair blew wildly in the breeze, a loose strand tickling their cheek. One hand rested lightly on the hilt of the sword at their side, while the other clutched a small, tattered journal.

The figure glanced around, taking in the breathtaking beauty of their surroundings. They had never seen anything quite like it. There were no signs of civilization, no evidence that anyone else existed in this world. It was as if they had stumbled upon a hidden paradise, a place forgotten by time itself. A place where they could finally be alone.

As they stood there, taking in the peacefulness of the moment, they felt a twinge in their heart. A strange longing for something they couldn't quite put their finger on. Was it regret? Nostalgia? Or perhaps just the ache of loneliness that had become so familiar over the years? Whatever it was, they knew that they could no longer ignore it. It was time to move on.

With a deep breath, the figure raised their hand in the air, palm outward. A single tear trickled down their cheek as they slowly began to wave goodbye to the place they had come to call home. The wind picked up, rustling the leaves of the trees and sending a shiver down their spine. They closed their eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun on their face, knowing that they would never forget this place, this moment, for as long as they lived.

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