Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Foto, immagini, risorse di Emily Roubini | Adobe Stock


Golden leaves

 A young girl, no older than ten, stands in the middle of an ancient forest. She's wearing a peculiar, old-fashioned dress that reaches her ankles, and a pair of worn-out shoes. Her long golden hair flows freely behind her, swaying gently in the soft breeze. In one hand, she holds a rusty old key; in the other, a frayed piece of parchment. The leaves around her are golden and crisp, crunching underfoot as she takes a step forward.

She's lost. Or at least, that's what she thinks. Her memories are hazy, like a dream she's trying hard to remember. All she knows is that she must find her way back home. She glances around, taking in the towering trees, the dense foliage, and the carpet of leaves that covers the forest floor. The air is cool and crisp, with a hint of autumn in the air.

She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. As she does so, she notices a strange glow emanating from the center of the forest. Curiosity getting the better of her, she decides to investigate. She starts walking towards the light, feeling a sense of determination growing inside her. The leaves beneath her feet seem to part ways, as if they're guiding her towards her destiny.

The glow intensifies as she draws closer, revealing a clearing at the heart of the forest. In the center stands a magnificent tree, its bark glistening in the sunlight. A ladder leads up to a platform where a small, ancient door is set into the trunk. The key in her hand fits perfectly into the rusty old lock. She turns it, and the door swings open with a creak.

Stepping inside, she finds herself in a dimly lit chamber. The walls are lined with shelves, each one containing a peculiar object: a glowing orb, a scroll of parchment, a crystal sphere. A disembodied voice echoes through the room. "Welcome, child. You have proven yourself worthy of entering my realm. Here, you shall discover the truth about who you are and where you come from."

The girl feels a surge of hope course through her veins. She walks slowly around the chamber, examining each object on the shelves. As she does so, memories begin to flood back to her: memories of her parents, memories of her home, memories of her life before she was brought to this strange forest. The voice continues to speak, guiding her through her rediscovery of her past, and finally revealing the purpose she was meant to fulfill.

With a newfound sense of purpose and direction, the girl steps out of the tree, back into the world she once knew. She knows now that she is not lost, but rather on a journey to find herself and make a difference in the lives of others. The golden leaves crunch beneath her feet as she walks, carrying with her the wisdom and knowledge gained from her experience in the enchanted forest. The future stretches out before her, bright and full of possibility.

Her parents, upon seeing their daughter return, are overjoyed. They embrace her tightly, tears streaming down their faces. They had feared the worst when they received word that she had gone missing, and the relief and gratitude they feel are palpable. The girl looks into their eyes and sees the love that has always been there, waiting for her to come home.

The village celebrates her return, holding a grand feast in her honor. People from near and far come to share in her triumph, to listen to her tale of adventure and self-discovery. She feels a deep sense of connection with them, a bond forged through shared experience and the universal quest for meaning and purpose.

As the days turn into weeks and months, the girl finds herself drawn back to the enchanted forest, drawn to the tree and the wisdom it holds. She becomes a guardian of sorts, ensuring that others find their way to the tree when they are in need of guidance and direction. And so, the cycle continues, with each new seeker finding their own path through the forest, discovering the truth about themselves, and carrying that knowledge back out into the world.

The village begins to thrive once more, the people united in their shared experience and the knowledge they've gained. The girl, now seen as a leader among them, continues to counsel those who seek her out, offering guidance and support. She knows that she cannot change the past, but she can help shape the future for the better.

One day, a young boy comes to her, tears streaming down his face. He has wandered from his home, and is lost in the forest. The girl listens to his story, feeling a pang of recognition deep in her heart. She takes his hand, leading him through the familiar paths, pointing out landmarks that only she would know. As they approach the clearing, she sees the same determination in the boy's eyes that she once had. She watches as he approaches the tree, the glowing key in his hand.

"You must trust your instincts," she whispers, "and follow your heart. The answers you seek are within you, waiting to be found." With a steady breath, the boy inserts the key into the lock, opens the door, and begins his own journey towards self-discovery.

The girl watches the boy disappear into the tree, feeling a swell of pride and joy in her chest. She knows that he will find his way, just as she did. And with each new seeker, she feels a renewed sense of purpose, of belonging to something greater than herself. For in the end, it is not the tree or the key or the forest that matters, but rather the transformation that takes place within each person who walks through its gates, finding their true selves and embracing their destiny.


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