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 oh, sakura-chan, u'we so kawaii, it makes my littwe neko heart go *thump thump*!! ♡>₍₍ ⸙⸙ ₎₎<♡ did u know that sakuwa blossoms are the most adowabwe pink confetti that mother nature makes just for us to fwolic in?? *twirws awound in an imaginary sakuwa storm* neko-chans like me just can't get enough of them! ╹╹♡╹╹

but wets not fowget the yummy mochi that comes with the sakura season, owo!! those soft, squishy wice cakes filled with sweet bean paste are wike littwe bites of heaven for us kawaii kitties. *licks paws and purws in anticipation* and the sakura fwavowed treats? they'we like the sweet kisses from a shy kitten. ⸙⸙♡⸙⸙

you know whats even cuter than sakuwa-fwavored snacks, though?? spending the whole day with your neko-chan fwiends under the cherry bwossom twee, sharing stowies and playing games! *bats a cherry bwossom petal with a paw* the way the petals fall gentwy is like watching a pink snowfwake ballet, its so mesmewizing, nyaa~ ◔⃸◔

and when the sun starts to set, oh my staws!! the sky turns into a canvas painted with the most beautiful shades of pink and puwpwe, just for the sakura to say goodbye in style. *sighs dweamiwy* its the purr-fect time to take a nap and let the soft whispers of the sakuwa petaws lull u into the most peaceful sweep, surrounded by your kawaii kitty cuddle piwe. ╭(♡▽♡)╮♡♡♡

so, lets all gather awound and admire the sakuwa together, shall we? just remember to be gentwe with the littwe petals, for they awe the dewicate dreams of the neko spiwits. *boops your nose gently and winks* happy sakura viewing, my dear! ʘ♡ʘ♡


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