Thursday, November 30, 2023

 , a broken window, and a secret

The snow was falling heavily outside the broken window, and the cold winter air was seeping into the room. Inside, a young girl was huddled in the corner, her eyes wide with fear. She had been living in this abandoned house for weeks, ever since her parents had disappeared.

The girl had been trying to keep her presence a secret, but it seemed like someone had found out. She had heard a noise outside the broken window, and now she was sure that someone was coming for her.

She had no idea what to do. She was too scared to move, and too scared to stay. She was trapped in her own little world, and she had no way out.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and a figure stepped inside. The girl gasped in surprise, but then she realized who it was. It was her parents!

They had been searching for her for weeks, and had finally tracked her down. They had come to take her home, and to keep her safe.

The girl ran into her parents' arms, relieved to be reunited with them. She knew that she was safe now, and that she would never have to hide in this abandoned house again.

The broken window was a reminder of the secret she had kept, and the snow outside was a reminder of the cold winter she had endured. But now, she was safe and warm, and she was finally home.

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