Thursday, November 30, 2023


The sun was setting on a small town in the Midwest. The sky was a deep orange, and the air was still and quiet.

John had been living in this town for the past few months, ever since he had been born. He had been born without wings, and the townspeople had been cruel to him ever since. They called him names and made fun of him for being different.

John had always dreamed of flying, but he knew it was impossible. He was wingless, and he would never be able to soar through the sky like the birds.

One day, John was walking through the town when he noticed a strange man standing in the middle of the street. The man was wearing a long, black cloak and had a pair of wings on his back.

John was amazed. He had never seen anyone with wings before. He approached the man and asked him where he had gotten his wings.

The man smiled and said, 'I was born with them. I'm a messenger from the gods, and I'm here to give you a gift.'

The man then handed John a pair of wings. John was overjoyed. He put on the wings and immediately felt a sense of freedom. He could finally fly!

John thanked the man and flew off into the sunset. From that day forward, he was no longer wingless. He was free.

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