Thursday, November 30, 2023

 Once upon a time, there lived a young woman named Sarah. She was a kind and gentle soul, but she was cursed with a terrible affliction. Whenever she touched someone, they would become ill.

Sarah had been cursed by a witch who had been wronged by Sarah's family. The witch had cursed Sarah to suffer for the rest of her life, and Sarah had been living with the curse for many years.

One day, Sarah met a young man named John. He was kind and gentle, and Sarah felt a connection with him. She wanted to tell him about her curse, but she was afraid of what he would think.

John was understanding and sympathetic, and he promised to help Sarah break the curse. He told her that he would do whatever it took to help her.

John and Sarah set out on a journey to find the witch who had cursed Sarah. Along the way, they encountered many obstacles, but they never gave up.

Finally, they reached the witch's castle and confronted her. The witch was surprised to see them, but she was also impressed by their courage. She agreed to break the curse, and Sarah was finally free.

John and Sarah returned home, and they lived happily ever after. Sarah was no longer cursed, and she was able to touch people without fear. She and John were married, and they had a beautiful family.

The curse was broken, and Sarah was finally free.

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