Sunday, January 28, 2024


 In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness. It was as if the universe itself had taken a great, cosmic breath and held it, waiting for something more to happen. The void was infinite, endless, and cold. But then, in a moment so fleeting it could have been nothing more than the flicker of a distant star, something began to change. A tiny spark ignited, burning brighter with each passing instant, as if the very fabric of existence itself were catching fire.

The spark grew, becoming a tiny flame, and then a flickering candle, casting its warm, golden light upon the darkness. As the candle burned, it illuminated the vast emptiness around it, revealing shapes and forms where before there had been only the merest hint of possibility. And with each passing second, each flicker of the flame, the darkness receded further, making way for a newfound brightness.

For a moment, the universe held its breath once more, waiting to see what would happen next. Would the light continue to grow, banishing the darkness forever? Or would it fade, leaving the void to consume whatever fragile hope it had given birth to? The answer, it seemed, would come with time. But for now, the universe was alive with the possibility of change, and the light shone on, as bright as any star in the heavens.

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