Sunday, January 28, 2024


 The sky was a deep, endless shade of indigo, speckled with countless stars like a child's painting gone awry. The moon hung low, its glow casting an ethereal light upon the rolling hills of emerald grass. A light breeze stirred the air, carrying with it the sweet scent of wildflowers and the distant hoot of an owl. It was a night so still and serene that one could almost believe they were the only living thing in existence.

Veil stood atop a hill, gazing out over the landscape, her long, flowing white hair dancing in the gentle breeze. She was dressed in flowing robes of the same color, billowing out behind her like a cloud of smoke. Her features were delicate, her skin a pale alabaster, and her eyes a piercing shade of blue that seemed to hold centuries of wisdom.

As she breathed in the night air, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. She had lived for countless years, seen empires rise and fall, wars waged, and civilizations crumble. But in this moment, standing on this hill, she could almost forget the weight of her existence, the burden of knowing the fate of all those who lived beneath her gaze. Almost.

For Veil was no ordinary mortal. She was a seer, a prophetess, a guardian of sorts. It was her duty to watch over the realm, to guide its rulers when they strayed from the path of righteousness, and to warn them of impending doom. But lately, her visions had grown darker, more ominous. She could feel the tide of fate turning, the threads of destiny weaving together in a pattern that she did not understand, but knew would have dire consequences for all who lived within her sight.

Veil sighed, her breath misting in the crisp night air. She had tried to prepare them, to warn them, but they had not listened. They were too blinded by ambition, by greed, by their own petty squabbles. And now, she could feel it coming, like a storm gathering on the horizon. Soon, the world would be engulfed in darkness, and there would be no one to save them. No one, that is, except for her.

With a sigh, she turned her back on the breathtaking vista and began to make her way down the hill. Her steps were slow and deliberate, her mind racing with the weight of knowledge that she bore. As she walked, she could feel the eyes of the stars upon her, their cold light boring into her very soul. They were silent now, but she knew they would soon speak, and when they did, the world would tremble at their words.

Veil knew that she could not change the fate that awaited them. But she could try to lessen its blow. She could try to guide those who remained, to show them the way back to the light. And so, with a heavy heart, she continued on her lonely vigil, her gaze fixed on the horizon, waiting for the next glimpse of the darkness that threatened to consume them all.

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